白寒提示您:看後求收藏(第3部分,gossip girl 9 英文,白寒,地主小說網),接著再看更方便。
somehow he made the dorky dialogue sound almost normal。 He was standing so close to Serena
she could smell mint on his breath。 Was he really just perfect?
?I 。。。I 。。。? Serena faltered。 ?I just don?t know what to say。?
Across the room; behind the camera; Vanessa cleared her throat。
?Don?t say anything;? Thaddeus…as…Jeremy cooed。 ?Just stand still and let me look at you。?
Serena didn?t move。 She couldn?t help but believe everything Thaddeus was saying。
?I?m going to stop you here;? announced Ken Mogul。 ?Holly; babes; remember: you?renot
Serena。 You?re Holly。?
?Okay;? Serena whispered。 She didn?t feel like Holly Golightly。 She felt like herself and like the
perfect guy was right in front of her。 She?d spent her whole life not acting fake around guys: it
was kind of hard toact around one; especially one so 。。。 cute。
?And quit with that hand stuff;? Ken whined; sounding like a big baby。 ?Looks like you?re
swatting away mosquitoes。?
?Sorry。? Through the open window Serena could hear the sound of traffic whizzing by。 She kind
of wished she were out there instead; window shopping on Mercer Street in Soho with Thaddeus
or maybe letting him feed her sushi on the roof of Sushi Samba; just a few blocks downtown。
Thaddeus leaned out of the large window and inhaled deeply。 Was he reading her mind?
?Just listen to Thad;? Ken continued with his finger still u