要點 emphasis常常和介詞on連用,表示“強調的內容”,是emphasize的名詞形式。
enable[i'neibl]v。 使(某人)能夠做某事;使可能
例句 Once the soil has been removed by erosion; only the passage of centuries or millennia will enable new soil to form。 一旦土壤被侵蝕,只有經過幾個世紀或幾千年才會形成新的土壤。
enclose[in'klouz]v。 圍住;把…裝入(信封、包裹等)
例句 1。 Such statues were very often enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches; and these statues' only opening was at the front; making it natural for the statue to display frontality。 這些雕像通常用矩形的神龕或壁龕圍起來,只能看到其前面的部分,使雕像的正面能夠自然地呈現出來。
2。 It became much easier to build houses by enclosing space because of the enormous changes in materials and techniques of construction in the last few generations。 在近代,由於建築材料和技術的重大改變,透過將空間圍住來建造房屋變得更加簡單。
搭配 engage in (doing) sth。 從事於…
例句 How are we going to classify a typical politician or business person who engages in unethical practices? 我們如何區分那些典型的做事不道德的政客或商人?
要點 engage in和be involved in表達的含義相似,都表示“參與”,但不同的是engage in意思是“主動參與某事”,而be involved in意思是“被動地捲入了某事”。
estimate['estimeit]v。 評估,估計;估價
例句 1。 puter models are used to estimate how the different causes make the climate variability occur。 計算機模型被用來評估引起天氣變化的不同因素。
2。 If we estimate the water released upon the hypothetical melting of the world's glaciers; the total amount of ice is even more awesome。 如果我們估計出世界上冰川的融水量,那麼冰的總量將是更加驚人的。
同義 reckon(v。 評估)